0.15 zero touch flat eyelashes with dense arrangement, naturally curled and thick eyelashes, no burden on the upper eyes, single grafting false eyelashes
USD$ 1.2 starting / piece
0.15 zero touch flat hairUSD$ 1.5
101-1000盒USD$ 1.4
The display price is based on international currency exchange rates. Due to frequent exchange rate fluctuations, it is for reference only
Product Details
CategoryDense arrangement
StyleNatural Slim Fit
WarpageB Curvature 40 °
0.15 zero touch flat eyelashes naturally curl and thicken, with no burden on the eyes. Single graft false eyelashesCoarse: 0.15J QiaoB QiaoC QiaoD QiaoDD warpingD+warping8-15mm in stock, 16-18mm can be customized